Planet Rescue is a startup promoting ecological activities through a dedicated Internet platform “Planet Heroes”.Planet Heroes is the world’s first crowdfunding platform specializing in fundraising for user-friendly activities. Planet Heroes’ mission is to promote grassroots ecological activities and provide opportunities to reward people who work for the good of our planet.Planet Rescue is one of the few global startups that has been recognized by the United Nations for its innovative and impact-based activity. During the second global session of the UN Science, Policy and Business Forum on the Environment, held in 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya, the project won the award for the most innovative green start-up. Following this event, the company established official cooperation with the United Nations and became a member of the Waste Wise City Campaign – the UN Habitat initiative associating the largest cities in Africa and dealing with the fight against litter. Moreover, as the winner of the competition for the best green start-up, Planet Rescue is a member of the Science Policy Business Forum organized by UNEP, where it acts as an advisory body for startups and other green technology projects. The “Planet Heroes” project is a project from the borderline of the fields of IT, finance and ecology. The effects of the Project are dedicated primarily to individuals and institutions, social activists caring for the future of our planet. Platform users are defined in two ways, as: ● a person undertaking pro-ecological activities in the form of organizing a cleaning campaign (“Hero”), ● a person / institution that rewards the efforts of others (“Patron”). The aim of the Project Originators is to gain a real impact on the process of cleaning the world, through the presence of the Planet Heroes platform in even 140 countries around the world and supporting thousands of social campaigns annually. The implementation of the above goal and the scaling of the business requires the Originators to develop and implement tools that, thanks to the developed algorithms and the use of artificial intelligence, will allow for the automation of activities and transactions carried out using the platform. The aim of the R&D project is to conduct research and development works that will enable the Planet Heroes platform to automate the process of validation and analysis of projects submitted by users and will allow to increase the scale of the platform’s operations and sources of financing projects thanks to the implementation of the microdonation mechanism.